Úvod | PODVOZKOVÉ SYSTÉMY | Ostruhy | Ostruha Pneumatická zaťahovacia Tailwheel w/LH Offset (160LWC)
Ostruha Pneumatická zaťahovacia Tailwheel w/LH Offset (160LWC) |
Scale Steerable Pneumatic Retractable Tailwheel with LH Offset 2 3/4" Wheel Max. (ea.) These pneumatic retractable tailwheels are built the same as our large scale mechanical tailwheels, except they include an air cylinder mounted right to the frame of the tailwheel. All you need to do is run the airline to the tailwheel, mount your wheel, and you're ready to go. Designed for large and giant scale model airplanes weighing up to 40 lbs. |
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